Our vision statement - We strive to be a church that welcomes all and empowers all in Christ to share their God given talents.
This Week….
Upcoming Services--Come experience the Second Sunday after Epiphany! Rev. Peter Johnston will use John 2:1-11 as the scripture for his sermon about the wedding in Cana. The worship service...Virtual Services are available to all
The Rev. Peter Johnston will conduct indoor services in the church sanctuary. We encourage you to visit our YouTube channel (search for "first church hanover ma") to view the current...We’d Love to Have You Visit!
The First Congregational Church of Hanover has been at the heart of Hanover for nearly 300 years. We welcome everyone from surrounding communities and encourage all to become as involved...FCC Silver Street Thrift Shop
The FCC Silver Street Thrift Shop is a great place to find that special item to make someone happy, and to socialize while browsing. The Thrift Shop is clean, well-organized,...
Upcoming Events
9:30 am, January 19, 2024 - Worship in person or on-line! Come worship on the Second Sunday after Epiphany! Senior Pastor Rev. Peter Johnston's sermon will be based on the scripture reading from
John 2:1-11 , the wedding in Cana.
Latest News
COME WORSHIP WITH US!: Join us for in-person church service in the sanctuary at 9:30 AM.
Bible Study 7pm to 8:30pm on Mondays by Zoom
Meeting ID: 788 2411 9005
Password: 086411
Annual Meeting Announced: The church’s annual meeting will be held on Sunday, February 2, following worship. At that meeting we will: Consider and act on reports of the church's Pastors, officers, boards, committees, organizations, and delegates and alternates; take action of the proposed budget for the ensuing year; Elect officers, board members, committee members, and delegates as prescribed in the bylaws; and any other business which may legally come before the church body.
Please plan on attending this vitally important meeting of the church.
2025 Confirmation Class Dates Announced: Beginning in February, we will be holding confirmation classes for our youth, following the church worship service. Please mark your calendars: Sunday, February 9, Sunday, March 9, Sunday, April 13, and Sunday, May 18. Confirmation Sunday will be on Pentecost, June 15. Information will be sent out to families at the beginning of February. Please contact Rev. Peter for more information.
Super Bowl Lasagna: We’re Doing it Again!! Join us in “Lasagna-Making Fellowship” on Saturday morning, February 8 from 9-11 in Riley Hall. We’ll take orders Sunday 1/12 & 1/19 for cheese lasagnas. The price is $30. Pick up on Saturday, February 8 between 11-12 at Riley Hall or on Sunday, February 9 after worship.
JOYS and CONCERNS: Please email the church office with your life changes so that we can lift you up in prayer.
The church is now on YouTube where the weekly worship services are posted. Click here to go to the church YouTube channel.