Welcome to the online Giving and Donation page for the First Congregational Church of Hanover. For those of you who would like to make payments online, we have set up a safe and secure way for this giving to be done. You may make your recurring pledge payments through this online Giving and Donation page or use it to make special donations, as well as participate in seasonal contributions such as Easter lilies, Mother’s Day Lasagnas, and Christmas poinsettias. These online payments are serviced through our PCI Compliant provider, Vanco Services. By being PCI Compliant, church members and contributors may be assured that Vanco Services, as the company that processes, stores or transmits credit card information for our church maintains a secure environment for the payments. Besides using credit card or debit cards, payments may be made through your bank accounts.
This page will give you a brief description of the contribution choices, the way to enter the payments, and helpful facts about how to use the next few pages when making an online payment. We have aimed to make it as intuitive as possible.
- Pledged Contribution: for contributions toward your annual pledge for our church's ministry and mission.
- Building Use: for rental of the church and buildings. Please indicate the purpose of renting in the memo field.
- Deacons’ Fund: for use by the deacons to help those in need.
- Memorial Fund: Please indicate the person the gift is being made in memory of in the memo field.
- Sunday Altar Flowers: Please indicate the week you wish to provide altar flowers in the memo field. Fill out the altar flower form available in the vestry to show for whom you are donating altar flowers in memory or in honor of.
- Youth Mission Trip: The youth go on a mission trip every summer and donations to help fund the trip can be made any time during the year.
- Vacation Bible School
- Special Offering: for offerings such as One Great hour of Sharing. Please be sure to include the specifics of the offering in the memo field.
When you click on you will go to a page that will ask you to create a profile with a user name (this will be an email address) and password or if you are making a one-time donation you may do so directly on this page. Once you have created a profile you will log in as a Returning Member whenever you want to make a payment or donation. By creating a profile, you will then have the ability to view your payment history as well as make recurring monthly or weekly payments. You may make a one-time payment without a tracking history by completing the payment form. Note: the amounts you enter should be the amount of each payment. If you are setting up a recurring payment, for example of $100 per month, for an annual pledge of $1,200, you will enter the amount as $100.
After you enter the amount of the payment, please click “NEXT”. You will follow the directions for entering your Name, Address, Phone, Email, Bank Routing Number (a series of numbers that can be found along the bottom left of your check) and your bank account number. Click “Process” to submit your payment. If you are planning to make payment via a credit or debit card, you will enter the required information.