Looking for a Church?
Finding the right church is a personal matter. What is right for one person or one family is not necessarily the best match for another. We understand that and encourage you to visit without feeling any pressure. After church, many church members gather downstairs in the vestry for refreshments. This is an opportunity to meet with others and catch up on the week's activities. It is also a time when guests may wish to introduce themselves to a current members, chat informally with Rev. Peter.
We pride ourselves on programs and activities for youth, whether they be in grade school, middle school, or high school. Many parents prefer to keep their infants with them, or to spend the time themselves in our nursery where they can still hear the sermon.
If you have provided your name and contact information on the fellowship pad during the worship service, you will be placed on our mailing and email list to receive our monthly newsletter, so you can read about all the ways we fellowship and reach out to the world.
We invite you to go to our Facebook page to get the latest updates on the life of our church.