Everyone's voice counts in the governing of FCC Hanover! FCC Hanover is a congregation led church. Important decisions, including the calling of the pastor and the annual budget, are made by a vote of the congregation. A Church Cabinet, consisting of the church officers, the pastor and the chairs of the various committees of the church, meets quarterly to discuss topics of interest and concern, and to make recommendations to the congregation.
Each January the congregation gathers for our annual meeting to review the reports from the previous year and set the program and budget for the coming year.
Officers, Boards and Committee lay people are elected at the annual meeting to make decisions on most matters of daily business on behalf of the congregation. The Constitution and By-laws delineates what issues must be determined by the entire congregation and what can be decided by the various boards and committees. Special meetings of the congregation can be called during the year if there is reason to do so.
Boards and Committees meet as needed, many monthly, to conduct the affairs of their particular area of ministry.
Our church is guided by a set of Bylaws that are reviewed and updated as needed. For more information on our church structure read our Bylaws.
The Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 2024 may be read here
The Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 2022 may be read here
The Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 2023 may be read here
The New Communications/Technologies Motion voted on at the FY 2021 Annual Meeting may be read here
The officers of the church are:
• Moderator • Vice Moderator • Church Clerk • Financial Secretary • Treasurer
Finance Board
Music Committee
Board of Trustees
Outreach & Service Committee
Christian Education Committee
Flower Committee
Pastoral Relations Committee
Greeting Committee
Investment Committee
Memorial Fund Committee
Stewardship Committee
Ushering Committee
Delegates to the Conference and Association