Welcome home!! Reawaken your spiritual soul! Join us Sunday September 10 for our Rally Sunday as we reconnect with our church family and friends. Welcoming old friends and new friends….ALL are welcome in our celebration of God’s love for us. We’ll hear from teachers, volunteers and kids about our vibrant Sunday school programs. There will also be a special, “Blessing of the backpacks”. We invite all children, youth, and young adults returning to school to bring their backpacks (be sure they’re empty) to church and bring them up during the children’s message for a special prayer of blessing. There will be a blessing tag for all to take for their backpacks! The children will do a fun activity from our Maker Fun Factory VBS program in the vestry downstairs after the children’s message.
The CE Committee is hosting an all church ice cream social. In the vestry after church, enjoy a cool treat, enjoy fellowship and hear about our exciting church school and youth programs. We’ll have tables set up for Sunday school registration, youth group registration, Jr. Choir information and more. This is a wonderful opportunity for the whole church family! We’ll also have information on how you can share your love and light with our youth. Our youth needs your guidance to follow in Jesus’ footsteps!
Looking forward to gathering again in Christ’s faith with our church family and friends! Bring your friends and family to celebrate rally Sunday with us and discover Hanover FCC’s exciting programs helping our community and beyond with God’s grace, peace and love.